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Food Safety

Our certifications

Hortícola Guadalfeo is a company that bases its market strategy on quality and unrivalled management of products.

These outstanding qualities have enabled the company to obtain the following certifications, that together with responsible management of products makes it one of the leading horticultural companies with the most growth in the last ten years.

Quality is our reason for being

Market strategy in the quality and an unbeatable management of the products

Quality y Safety Controls

Fruit and vegetables must not only be attractive in terms of their appearance, freshness, presentation and nutritional value, but their consumption must pose no health risks. Consumers have no way to detect the presence of noxious substances and totally depend on the reliability and responsibility of all those involved in the production and distribution chain.

They must rely on us, in addition to the normal precautions taken such as washing, peeling and/or cooking the product before consumption.

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For this reason, Hortícola Guadalfeo SL focuses its production on food quality and safety. It is our fundamental concern.

With the most advanced cultivation techniques, agricultural good practices are applied to achieve proper control of pests, together with natural methods such as chromotropic traps, natural enemies, as well as continual training and development for personnel, which enables completely safe (and free from any residues) products to be achieved.

In this sense, total traceability is assured in our production from the beginning of the plantation through to the consumer and to guarantee complete safety and harmlessness of our production, analytical controls are continually performed on water, soil, plantations and fruit, with minimal use of fertilisers, phytosanitary treatments, energy and water.

In summary, the basic ideas on which our activity is developed are food safety, protection of the environment and personnel wellbeing.

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to love you

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